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GASP: Downloads

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Platform binary files for v5.4.0 (one download required)

File Name MPI Size File Info
GASP54-x64-Win10.exe OpenMPI 366MB Windows based platforms, 64-bit (more info)
gasp54-redhat7.tgz OpenMPI 21MB Shared build for Rehdat 7 platforms
gasp54-redhat8.tgz OpenMPI 4.1.1 21MB Shared build for Redhat 8 platforms
gasp54-ubuntu2004.tgz OpenMPI 4.0.3 22MB Shared build for Ubuntu 20 platforms
gasp54-ubuntu2204.tgz OpenMPI 22MB Shared build for Ubuntu 22 platforms

Platform independent files for Linux install (only one file required)

File Name Size File Info
common.tgz (linux) 266MB Full install (more info)
essential.tgz (linux) 1MB Essential files only (more info)